Our SEND team work endlessly to provide support for our LaceyFielders. Our SENCO staff forge strong links with outside agencies, support transitions by linking with other schools, and support staff, parents / carers and pupils with anything. We have a team of SEND support / inclusions teaching assistants that focus and work with individuals and groups of children in accordance with the child’s individual SEND plan. They do this while liaising with class teachers and SENCO about extra support the child may need and their progress, and also the parent / carers. Our designated safeguarding governor is Ann Thomas – for more information regarding our governors please use the following link: https://eastfieldschool.co.uk/about-us/governors/
Special Educational Needs Report
Here is the link for Lincolnshire County Council’s Local Offer: https://lincolnshire.fsd.org.uk/kb5/lincs/fsd/localoffer.page?familychannel=2
For our interventions, here are the programmes we use:
Please take a look at the following links for SEND services:
Secondary Transition Workshop Flyer 2024
For parent/carer SEN advice: https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/liaise
For the parent carer forum: https://www.lincspcf.org.uk/
For general resources for parents: http://www.specialneedsjungle.com
For support with dyslexia: http://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk
For support with social, emotional and mental health difficulties: http://www.youngminds.org.uk
For Healthy Minds Lincolnshire, for emotional wellbeing support for children and young people up to 19 years old or up to 25 years old for young people with special educational needs, a disability or are leaving care: https://www.lpft.nhs.uk/young-people/lincolnshire/professionals/service-offer-and-referrals/healthy-minds-lincolnshire
For support with speech and language difficulties, motor difficulties or neuro-development difficulties: https://www.lincolnshirechildrenstherapyservices.nhs.uk/