Eastfield Infants and Nursery Academy The Home of Eastfield Infants’ and Nursery Academy & Lacey Gardens Junior Academy


MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) is statutory for Years 3-6 (KS2). At LaceyField, the language we teach is French. We follow the ‘LightBulb Languages’ Scheme – https://www.lightbulblanguages.co.uk/ and aim to deliver one 30 minute lesson per week. The approach for MFL is through an active approach, which includes learning through games, songs and reading and listening activities.

LaceyField French is split into 17 units, which are delivered over a 4-year period when the children are in KS2 (Y3-6).

Year 3 learn units 1-4

Year 4 learn units 5-9

Year 5 learn units 10-14

Year 6 learn units 15-17

By the time children reach the end of Year 6, it is our aim to have fully prepared our pupils for secondary school language learning by equipping them with key vocabulary and phrases to enable them to access the more text based learning in Year 7. We want children at LaceyField to be confident with their basic spoken and written French.

MFL at LaceyField